The Museum of Mythology
is always looking for volunteers! Our needs range from both
onsite help to things you can 'do from home' to help us out
greatly. Here is a list of our some needs, anything you could
do to help would always be appreciated!
2008 Needs:
- A Volunteer who has good experience
with populating Wiki information. We are looking
to launch the first complete Mythological Wikipedia. You
can see it here.
- A Volunteer with writing skills who
would be interested in assisting in expanding
our Greek
Information section We can give you Very Specific topics
or entries to write upon to help fully populate the entire
historical section. We only ask that all information
is original and self-written so that no copywrite
laws are violated.
- A Volunteer with writing skills who
would be interested in assisting in expanding
our Ancient
Egypt Information section. We can give you Very Specific
topics or entries to write upon to help fully populate the
entire historical section. We only ask that
all information is original and self- written
so that no copywrite laws are violated.
- A Volunteer with writing skills who
would be interested in assisting in expanding
our Viking
Information section. We can give you Very Specific topics
or entries to write upon to help fully populate the entire
historical section. We only ask that all information
is original and self-written so that no copywrite
laws are violated.
- Public Relations staff person. We are
looking for additional people who would be willing
to create announcements, articles and news releases for
the Museum.
- Distribution Contact person. We are
looking for someone who has contacts, or could
assist in creating a contact list in order to get announcements,
articles and news releases distributed to various mediums.
- Internet Distribution. We are looking
for a person who is interested in making posts,
(with graphics or banners) on various message boards, blogs,
and other internet distribution mediums.
- We are looking for someone who has airbrush
- We are always looking for someone who
has experience with foam carving (novice
or expert)
- We are looking for someone who can design
or build small to medium museum display cabinets.
- We are always interested in artwork
or artists of any kind (sketching, water
colors, oils, or sculptors)
- Finally, we are always interested in
people who have a lot of enthusiasm and desire
to work with us on any mythos Greek, Egyptian or Viking.
If you feel you have a skill or specialty that
you would be passionate about please contact
us, we look forward to hearing from you and we always have
an open mind.